How You Stand Out With Distinction


What You Want

As a "hasn't made it yet" coach, I know you want the knowledge, tools, and strategy to build your authentic, impactful coaching business from a confident position of power, clarity, and excitement.

You don't want to buy someone else's materials and sell them as your own offers.
You don't want to sell, speak about, and coach on what everyone else is.
You don't want to be like all the other coaches.


You want to be able to confidently and spectacularly answer the questions that we are all asked as coaches: 

    • Why should I choose you over other coaches?
    • What makes you the right coach for me?
    • What makes you the right speaker for our event?

Your Struggle

It is not easy to answer these questions and many coaches take years of trial and error to figure it out. 

By the time they have figured it all out, they have already...

...spent 1000s of hours & dollars figuring it out.
...gained the wrong clients and lost the right clients.
...changed their offers so many times as they grew.
...looked inconsistent learning & making changes.

Ask me how I know????

I was plagued by these very issues until I got clear and confident in my Five Pillars of Authentic Coaching Power™:

    1. My Whole A.S.S™ Authentic Self
    2. My Authentic Coaching Method Questions & Steps
    3. My A.C.M.™ or  Authentic Coaching Method™
    4. My B.W.H. or  Brandable World of Healing™
    5. My S.C.M.™ or  Signature Coaching Methodology™

Do you know your Five Pillars of Authentic Coaching Power™? 

Do you even know what the Five Pillars of Authentic Coaching Power™ are so you can develop them for your coaching business?

Do you realize that not having your Five Pillars of Authentic Coaching Power™ is the reason why:

    • you don't know what to put in those slides...
    • you don't know how to put together your offers...
    • you don't know what to put on your website...
    • you don't know what to say on that podcast...
    • you don't know how to get what's in your head into the world so that you can make an impact and some dollars!

When you realize these things, you can see why I offer this workshop every quarter, specifically for coaches like you! 

You can be a coach that buys other people's content and uses it to show up as a "coach" - it's called done-for-you content for a reason!  Yet, using content on others that you have not used to help yourself - especially through a major breakthrough - doesn't make sense; and I know you know that.

But so many coaches do this - new and established!  They buy the content.  They charge people hundreds for a session.  Some people bite and never come back.  Wanna know why?  They've seen that worksheet, exercise, reflection, etc. before - in another color, with another logo, from another coach.  And they are pissed that you charged them all that money to go over what they could have bought themselves or have already gotten from countless other coaches they trusted!

Not to mention:  How good does that feel?  Wearing someone else's clothes?  Putting on someone else's jewelry?  Trying to speak in another's voice about what they came up with, in their head?

Wouldn't it be easier to use what is in your head?

Guess what?!!? This workshop teaches and guides you through how to do just that!  

If we don't know each other...nice to meet you!  You can learn a little more about me hereIf we do know each other...great to see you ready to join me in this industry and change lives.  Let's get to work!

Why You Want This Workshop

In my Unlock Your Expert™ Coach Workshop, I will ensure you are clear on what your Authentic Coaching Solution™ is.

Furthermore, I guide you to see the steps you will take your coaching clients through that make you stand out as a valuable resource in this oversaturated industry.

In this program, you will

    • get clear on what makes a coach distinct and what your coaching distinction is
    • get confident in determining who wants your unique coaching enough to pay for it.
    • learn how to create your own Authentic Coaching Method & Steps™
    • learn how to develop your own Authentic Coaching Method™

You can find all details of this workshop here.

What This Workshop Gives You

If you are not sure why you haven't blown up as a coach yet, and you are ready to learn how to take over the game - your own way - on your own terms - with your own fire and impact; then, this workshop is for you!

    • In the first week, you learn how to know what makes you special as a coach and how you can turn that energy into a coaching brand that ensures you stand out in a crowd of diluted, ashy coaches.

    • After the work we will do in the second week, you will know the impact only you can bring to your clients and how you can use this knowledge to get clear on the coach you will be.

    • After the work we will do in the third week, you will know the solution that you alone bring to the coaching industry and your coaching clients and how you can use this knowledge to brand who you are as a coach.

    • After the work we will do in the fourth week, you will know the steps you take your clients through to create the transformation you will provide in your coaching world and how you can use this knowledge to begin conceptualizing your offers.

    • Your Private Resource Hub is a private, protected space for you to access the replays, resources, and other goodies that come up during the course of this workshop.

    • Post-Workshop Support is exclusive access to ongoing and progressive strategy, tools, resources, and support to keep you going strong - whether you are invited to join the Coach Academy or not, you get access to post-workshop support from me!

Reasons This Workshop May Not Be Right For You

This is a "How to Get Started" workshop and is intended for aspiring, struggling, or confused coaches
; if you are either uber frustrated with your start, or are new to coaching, going through coach training, or just got certified; then this workshop is for you!

This is a Coaching / Training Hybrid workshop made for Authentically Distinct™ folks who are choosing to be transformational coaches; which means that your work in this program is preparing you to be invited into my Unlock Your Expert™ Coach Academy.  This is a three-month intensive intimate group experience that only the best coaches from each workshop are invited to join.  No matter what type of coaching you plan to offer, if you are interested in creating lasting change in human lives, inspiring or enacting needed change in this world as a thought leader, and are fired up about getting paid to do what you do well authentically - then you are ready to be a transformational coach, and this workshop is for you to show me what you can do so that you can join the other amazing coaches who have worked with me to build their coaching business!

This is a Private Intensive workshop with weekly time with me as your Coach; this means that you will have the benefit of learning & growing each week and that the workshop is designed to ensure you have direct access to your Coach.

Workshop Investment

To get started in my Unlock Your Expert™ Workshop for Coaches, you will first choose which investment level you want for yourself

    Your Investment and Bonus Options

    Your Payment Options

      • Full-pay clients pay $1,000 (entire amount is credited toward price of Coach Academy if invited to enroll in the next cohort).
      • Weekly-pay clients pay a deposit of $432 and begin making their three weekly payments of $200 one week after making their deposit ($1,000 of this amount is credited toward price of Coach Academy if invited to enroll in the next cohort).

     Learn More Before You Buy 


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    To secure your seat in this workshop today, click the button below.

    7 Sections

    Doing You as a Transformational Coach

    Human Impact Archetypes™ Discovery Session on Your Life, Brand, and Business Impact

    Becoming A Transformational Coach

    Getting clear on what you coach on and why.

    Impacting As A Transformational Coach

    Getting clear on how you coach and who you will coach.

    Sections for this experience 7
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    Payment Options

     $ 1,000.00 USD
     3 Weekly Payments (you pay deposit today; first email invoice of $200 due in one week)
     $ 432.00 USD

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