7-Minute Read | 14-Minute Podcast Episode
It’s hard for coaches to be seen, heard, or work in an industry as oversaturated as ours. It’s like high school all over again; you’re one of many and no one is checking for you! How to stand out, shine, and slay in this coaching game?
Y’all know The Ratchet Sage™ is finna break it all down for you. Listen, I want you to get real clear on what it will take for you to matter in this oversaturated industry. Because it is very possible for you to stand out, shine, and slay - you need only know how to do it!
You will want to stand out before you focus on shining and slaying.
There are two things you will need to stand out in this oversaturated industry: 1) your secret sauce and 2) your salient sauce.
The best coaches bring their greatness into everything they be and do. They bring their authentic self into their life, relationships, and business so all three are authentic too.
These coaches have cooked up a Unique, Rare Solution™ for their coaching and their business operations, and every one of them needed three key ingredients to do so.
Let’s explore what these three key ingredients are so you can leverage them to stand out in this oversaturated industry with your own secret sauce.
Your gifts are the unique perspectives and lens that are born of your lived experience. You were born with gifts and have developed more as you’ve lived your life; so, if you can’t see yours - you need only find them.
When you find your gifts, you want to use them to SEE what is true for you, your coaching, your brand, and your business.
Your talents are the capacities you have developed through your lived experience. Just like gifts, you were born with talents and have developed so many more as you’ve lived your life. So, if you cannot see your talents, you need only get clear in them.
When you are clear in your talents, you want to use them to HARNESS the authentic opportunities that are for you, your coaching, your brand, and your business.
Your abilities are the capabilities you have developed through your lived experience. Unlike gifts and talents, you weren’t born with abilities and instead had to develop them as you’ve done things in your life. So, if you cannot see your abilities, it is possible that you don’t have any that are meaningful to you or that you haven’t developed resilience in them.
When you are confident and resilient in your abilities, you want to use them to ACTIVATE the authentic visions you have for your life, your coaching, your brand, and your business.
The best coaches build their coaching business surrounding their biggest, yet healed shame. Because of this, they are seen as a great coach and get play even if they are a new coach.
Why? It’s simple: these coaches have cooked up an Authentic Coaching Solution™ for their coaching brand and business, and - again - every one of them needed three key ingredients to do so.
So let’s explore what these three key ingredients are so you can develop your very own salient sauce.
People buy from coaches who speak directly to them as if they can see them. It’s kinda hard to speak directly to someone who you’ve never been, whose struggles you’ve never encountered, whose internal desires you haven’t fulfilled for yourself. This is why it is so important to use your secret sauce - or your Unique, Rare Solution™ - to formulate your salient sauce - or your Authentic Coaching Solution™.
When you speak to potential clients from the perspective of your old self, then you can really get into their hearts, minds, and souls with your coaching message. You want them to feel and know that you get them - inside and out - because they will trust you due to this resonance. To stand out, you want to showcase that you SEE your leads and your clients - this is how you create the first ingredient (trust) for your salient sauce.
People buy from coaches who they believe can help them by holding space for them, despite their current space. How you gonna hold space for them if you’ve never held space for you, still despise who you used to be, and want to hide the fact that you were ever that person? This is why it is so important bring your biggest - yet healed - shame into your secret sauce, and therefore into your salient sauce.
When you engage with leads and clients in ways that allow them to feel and know exactly how you can help them without judging, controlling, or conditioning them, then and only then will it click that they have to work with you! You want them to feel and know that you were able to fix the same problem they are having - for yourself - and this will establish your coaching value to them. To stand out, you want to HARNESS what you know fixed your own life and problems - this is how you create the second ingredient (value) for your salient sauce.
People buy from coaches who engage with them like they know, like, and trust them, despite their current state. Don’t be out here engaging with coaching leads and clients that you don’t know, like or trust - this is uber inauthentic and ashy! This is why your secret sauce and salient sauce work together to help you stand out as a coach - they demonstrate that you know, like and trust you (the old and new you) and that you now, like, and trust them (your leads and clients).
When you demonstrate your know, like, and trust factor in these two important ways, your coaching leads and clients not only realize they need to work with you, but also want to work with you and only you. You want them to feel and know that you get them and their problem inside and out and that you still love/support/honor them despite it all. To stand out, you want to ACTIVATE what you know you needed when you were in your journey out your mud - this is how you create the third ingredient (safety) for your salient sauce.
If this was too long and you got lost, peep the next section or listen to the podcast for the TLDR.
I know this is a lot - yet...
I am a firm believer that you deserve to have Actionable Safe Spaces™ so you can stand out in this oversaturated industry. It would be a huge disrespect to your gifts, talents, and abilities if you were lost in a sea of lackluster and questionable coaches. Our industry is a whole fucking mess today AND you can be a part of that mess or work alongside me to disrupt it! Trust; you’ve got what it takes from your lived experience to stand out with me in this oversaturated industry!
All you need is clarity….and I am here.
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My Unlock Your Expert™ for Coaches signature series is designed to activate you to get your big vision out of your head and into the world - no matter what level of this coaching game you are on!