How You Launch With Distinction



As a creative, innovator, or visionary who hasn't launched your business yet, I know you want the knowledge, tools, and strategy to turn your gifts, talents, and abilities into a money-making machine!

You don't want to fake it until you make it; you want to be it, do it, and get paid for it.
You don't want to go broke trying to be somebody or to be recognized and valued.
You don't want to be like everyone else who thinks they can do what you do like you do it.


You want to launch powerfully with a strong business opportunity, a tasty brand, and all the substance to keep folks coming back for more: 

  • Great online presence.
  • High, consistent engagement with your folks.
  • Standing out as a leader in your field.
  • All the client testimonials.
  • Automated business systems that provide an amazing customer experience.


It is not easy to go from - "Ooh shit, I have a great idea on how to use my talents!" - to - "Oh, snaps, I fucking built this and am actually making money!"

There are several ways to go about it but the most typical path is...

...spend $1,000s with someone who tells you what to do.
...try to match what they told you to what's in your head.
...go at it completely alone with no cheerleaders or guidance.
...launch completely unsure because what you are doing doesn't resonate.
...think you are a failure at business and give up on your dream.

Ask me how I know????

Over the last two decades of doing this work, I have watched entrepreneur after entrepreneur struggle with this same cycle and THEN COME TO ME to learn a new way: 
My Unlock Your Expert™ Method for Creatives, Innovators, and Visionaries

My signature method teaches you how to:

  1. Clarify your vision into a business opportunity that offers your Unique, Rare Solution™ to the right market for you.
  2. Align your business opportunity with your market's needs and wants so you clarify the value in your business for those who you will want to support it.
  3. Plan out your pre-launch so you are prepared to launch confidently and showcase that your business is Authentically Distinct™ in all that it offers to all who will support your business.
  4. Plan out your launch so you are prepared to impact your people - your supporters - by reliably delivering on your Authentic Business Solution™.

Do you have all of this mapped out for you?

Do you even know how to start mapping this out so you can start being the Unique, Rare Solution™ that you are being called to be?

Do you realize that until you map this out, you can be a Unique, Rare Solution, but you can't do as one?  Ahem - that means you can't business...

So many gifted creatives, innovators, and visionaries - like you - are stuck without an authentic framework for the successful launch and operations of their business.  This is why I offer this workshop every quarter specifically for changemakers like you! 

You can be the entrepreneur that gets a Google or YouTube education, builds the website, sets up the social media, and starts advertising and marketing.  Many do this and it does work...over a long ass time though!

I know you want to fast-track this launch, without taking away from your brilliant creativity and the quality of your talents and gifts.

And guess what?!!? This workshop teaches and guides you through how to do just that!  

If we don't know each other...nice to meet you!  You can learn a little more about me hereIf we do know each other...great to see you ready to join me as a creative in entrepreneurship.  Let's get to work!


In my Unlock Your Expert™ Solopreneur Workshop, I will ensure you are clear on how you can launch and run a business that offers an Authentic Business Solution™.

Furthermore, I connect the dots for you to the steps it takes to get others to see what makes you stand out so you can start making money - and for some of you - start making the money you deserve to be making!

In this program, you will

  • get clear on what makes a business distinct and what your business distinction is
  • get confident in determining who wants your Authentic Business Solution™ enough to pay for it.
  • learn how to create Authentic Business Value™
  • learn how to develop your own Authentic Business Framework™
  • get resilient in selling your distinction without selling any service or product.
  • learn how to develop and use your Authentic Business Impact™
  • learn how to use your Authentic Business Impact™ to create or refine your services/products.
  • get confident in the steps it will take you to set up your business systems for a powerful launch.


If you are not sure why you haven't blown up as an entrepreneur yet, and you are ready to learn how to take over the game - your own way - on your own terms - with your own distinct impact; then, this workshop is for you!

You can find all details of this workshop here.


This is a "How to Get Started" workshop and is intended for aspiring, struggling, or confused solopreneurs
; if you are either uber frustrated with your start in business or are new to entrepreneurship; then this workshop is for you!

This is a Coaching / Training Hybrid workshop made for Authentically Distinct™ folks who are choosing to be impact-based business owners; no matter what you do or plan to sell, if you are interested in creating a business that means something over time, inspires or enacts needed change, and gets you fired up to get paid doing what you do well authentically - then you are ready to be an impact-based business owner, and this workshop is for you!

This is a Private Intensive workshop with weekly time with me as your Coach; this means that you will have the benefit of learning & growing each week and that the workshop is designed to ensure you have direct access to your Coach.


To get started in my Unlock Your Expert™ Workshop for Solopreneurs, you will first choose which investment level you want for yourself

    Your Payment Options

    • Full-pay clients pay $1,000.
    • Weekly-pay clients pay 3 weekly payments of $200 (with a non-refundable deposit of $432).


    Use the chat box at the right-hand bottom corner of this screen to send me a message and get a prompt reply.

    To secure your seat in this workshop today, click the button below.

    9 Sections

    #TheDeets - What we will do in this workshop; a week-by-week playbook.

    #BeNosy - learn what you can expect from my Unlock Your Expert™ Workshop for Solopreneurs.

    Starting powerfully with Coach Ebony - as the personal and professional AUTHENTIC YOU!

    Pre-Program Prep

    Post-Workshop Support (Grow & Get Ish Done In Community)

    Community + Bonuses + Direct Access to Coach Ebony

    Sections for this experience 9
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     $1,000.00 USD
     3 Weekly Payments (you pay deposit today; first email invoice of $200 due in two weeks)
     $432.00 USD

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