Authentic Business Offers™ Intensive



You want to create offers that are authentic to you and that you will also love to deliver; BUT HOW EXACTLY?

I bet you're thinking...

I know I have to solve a problem, but which and for whom?
I heard that I need to provide value, but how do I know what is valuable and who to sell it to?
There are all kinds of offers, which are right for me?


If you want to shine and stand out in your business, you want to become known for being someone and doing something that folks can only get from you and your business. 

This requires Authentic Distinction™ and distinction doesn't come from making shit up, doing what everyone else is doing, or doing what folks think you should do.

Authentic Distinction™ comes from:

  • Living as if you are a Unique, Rare Solution™.
  • Flexing your U.R.S™ to develop an authentic business that solves a problem folks have.
  • Showing up in your business with authentic value to offer to those folks.
  • Using your authentic value to transform your life and business with the unique impact that only you can create for self and stakeholders (which includes clients).


Most people don't even know what it means to be a Unique, Rare Solution™ let alone how to manifest, speak, and do as one in a business or as an entrepreneur. 

So forget about being clear, confident, and resilient in your offers because you won't know how to create the right offers for the impact you want to make in and with your business!

Not to mention...

👉🏽 without understanding that you are a Unique, Rare Solution™, you have no clear way to discern what is authentic for you to do - in life or business.
👉🏽 without this discernment, you struggle to have confidence in the value of your actions causing you to be stuck in reaction or inaction in your business.
👉🏽 without understanding your business value, you rely on what you see everyone else doing and inevitably fall short of the business impact you want (and that only you can offer).
👉🏽 and when this happens - even though it's not your fault - you start playing small; much smaller than you ever envisioned for yourself which puts your business legacy at risk!

Ask me how I know????

I was plagued by these very issues until I got clear and confident in my Authentic Business Framework™ - but this isn't possible without knowing:

  1. You as a Unique, Rare Solution™.
  2. Your business as an Authentic Business Solution™.
  3. Your Authentic Business Value™
  4. Your Authentic Business Offers™
  5. Your Authentic Business Impact™

With these five elements, you can develop your own Authentic Business Framework™ that will be a flexible guide for how your authentic being imparts valuable doing through a business that is authentic to you and that also impacts self and others in desired ways. 

AND you want to do this in ways that make it clear for folks why your business and offers are amazing AND why working with your business is right for them!

Knowing how to create Authentic Business Impact™ helps with all parts of your entrepreneurship. 

👉🏽 Are you clear in the reasons why clients will authentically choose you? 

👉🏽 Are you confident that your actions in business attract what you want versus repel it?

👉🏽 Are you resilient in your relevance in the business relationships, spaces, and communities that matter to you?

Do you realize that not knowing how to develop your Authentic Business Offers™ is the reason why:

  • you're seeking clarity in others that can only come from within.
  • you don't have confidence in what you say or do in your entrepreneurship.
  • you aren't resilient when something happens in your business.

 Say less; where do I sign up? 

When you realize these things, you can see why I offer this private experience, specifically for entrepreneurs and coaches like you! 

Alluhdis mess is NOT a reflection of what you are capable of!  IF ONLY YOU KNEW MORE. 

And guess what...I do and as The Ratchet Sage™, I am here to break it all down for you in this four-week workshop.

You are not alone!  So many business owners - successful and struggling - they all think that if they solve a problem, add value, and have the right offers - that they will have a profitable business that they love leading every day.


👉🏽 They don't know how to bring their truth into their business so it offers an Authentic Business Solution™.

👉🏽 They don't know how to let their truth tell them what is best for them to do in their business so it offers Authentic Business Value™.

👉🏽 They don't know how to infuse this value into what they sell to create Authentic Business Offers™.

👉🏽 Leaving them without the ability to have the Authentic Business Impact™ they got into business for in the first place!

And there's no power in that.

Wouldn't it be easier to start taking action in your business that is authentic to you from the get go - or at least from this point forward???

What would it feel like to become known for the offers that folks can only get from you and that they deeply desire from you???

Guess what?!!? In this private experience, The Ratchet Sage™ guides you through how to do just that and you get me all to yourself!  

If we don't know each other...nice to meet you!  You can learn a little more about me hereIf we do know each other...great to see you ready to join me in doing this authenticity work that changes lives.  Let's get to work!


In my signature Authentic Business Offers™ Workshop, I will ensure you are clear on how to use your authenticity to create offers that solve unique problems, deliver rare value, and make desired impact for all involved.

Furthermore, I connect the dots for you to the steps it takes to develop your Authentic Business Framework™ which gives you clarity, confidence, and resilience in your entrepreneurial efforts and actions.

In this experience, you will

  • get clear on what makes a business matter to others and how to access it.
  • learn the difference between worth, pricing, and value in business.
  • get clear on where your business value resides and how to showcase it.
  • learn the difference between business value and business impact.
  • learn how to get clear in and confidently exhibit your business impact.
  • get resilient in seeing yourself as a Unique, Rare Solution™.
  • learn how to see your business as an Authentic Business Solution™ that delivers Authentic Business Value™.
  • learn how to use your Authentic Business Value™ to develop your Authentic Business Offers™.
  • learn how to use your Authentic Business Offers™ for demonstrated, joyful, and consistent Authentic Business Impact™.
  • learn how to develop your Authentic Business Framework™.
  • get clear and confident in what makes you and your business Authentically Distinct™!

You can find all details of this private experience here.


If you want clear, confident, and resilient authenticity in your business being, doing, and impact; then, this workshop is for you!

  • In the first live session, you get clear and confident in your BUSINESS BEING:  you as a Unique Rare, Solution™ and your business as an Authentic Business Solution™.

  • In the second live session, you get clear and confident in your BUSINESS DOING:  your Authentic Business Value™ and how to activate it for resilience.

  • In the third live session, you learn how to develop your BUSINESS OFFERS:  your Authentic Business Offers™ and how to flex them for business clarity, confidence, and resilience.

  • In the fourth live session, you learn how to develop resilience in your BUSINESS ACTIONS:  your Authentic Business Impact™ and how to flex what you've learned into your Authentic Business Framework™ so you can consistently create Actionable Safe Spaces™ in your business that work for you and your stakeholders.

  • Your Private Resource Hub is a private, protected space for you to access the replays, resources, and other goodies that come up during the course of this private experience.

  • Post-Workshop Support is exclusive access to ongoing and progressive strategy, tools, resources, and support to keep you going strong!

 Yassss; sign me up now! 


This is an intensive and is intended for serious learning, breakthroughs, glow-ups and development
; if you are against spending time and money for fluff and prefer to learn through engagement not lecture; then this private experience is for you!

This is a coaching / training hybrid made for Authentically Distinct™ and Neurodistinct folks; which means that this experience is designed and curated for visionaries and neurodistinct folks who operate as coaches, changemakers, creatives, leaders, and entrepreneurs.  No matter what type of person you are or how you identify, if you want to find yourself in your impact and offers - then, this private experience is for you!

This is designed to be a one- to three-month experience with private time with me as your Coach; this means that you will have the benefit of learning & growing each module and that the workshop is designed to ensure you have direct access to your Coach at a pace that works for you and your lifestyle.


What you can expect:

  1. Choose your preferred way to pay for this experience (full pay and weekly pay options are available).
  2. After paying, you will receive immediate access and can begin this journey with me.
  3. You schedule and show up for all four live sessions; note that because you get to schedule the session, they happen on your time.
  4. I provide you the replays, recaps, and resources for all four live sessions via a Private Resource Hub that will be made available to you alone (not even my team sees your stuff).
  5. After you complete this private experience, you will get complimentary access to my signature A.B.O.™ Audit Review Session so we can further develop your Authentic Business Offers™ together after the learning settles in. (a $309 value).


To get started in my signature Authentic Business Offers™ Workshop, you will first choose which investment level you want for yourself

    Your Investment and Bonus Options

    Your Payment Options

    • Full-pay clients pay $417 for access to the full experience.
    • Weekly-pay clients pay 1 initial deposit of $115 and  3 weekly payments of $115 for access to the full experience.

    Private Experience Time Commitment

    We will meet live in one-hour sessions, four times throughout the course of this private experience; the total time commitment is 2.5 to 6.5 hours each module.

    Your total time commitment will depend on 1) how much you show up for yourself and 2) how much development you need as an entrepreneur in the self-study, self-work parts of this experience.

    • Live A.S.S.™ Private Sessions (1 hour)
    • Bring Yo A.S.S.™ Self-Study (30 - 90 minutes after each live session, depending on how far you are in your entrepreneurship journey)
    • Flex Yo A.S.S.™ Assignments (1 to 4 hours after each live session, depending on how far you are in your entrepreneurship journey)


    Use the chat box at the right-hand bottom corner of this screen to send me a message and get a prompt reply.  I don't believe in bots or having my team speak for me, so know that when you get a response - you are speaking with The Ratchet Sage™.

    To secure your access to this live workshop experience today, click the button below to get started today!

    7 Sections

    #TheDeets - What we will do in this experience.

    #BeNosy - learn what you can expect.

    DO (Authentic Business Value™)

    Schedule & prepare for Live Session 2

    HOW (Authentic Business Offers™)

    Schedule & prepare for Live Session 3

    ACT (Authentic Business Impact™)

    Schedule & prepare for Live Session 4

    Get Access to #AfterCare Bonuses!

    Get Access to Post-Workshop Support

    Sections for this experience 7
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    Payment Options

     Full Payment (includes bonus)
     $ 417.00 USD
     4 Weekly Payments
     $ 115.00 USD  ( then $115.00 USD for 3 weeks )

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